Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If you die...

      Hello everybody once again! So today I will be talking about what a lot of people take granted of, life. From what I saw yesterday, there was this one tragic incident where there were people coming down from retreat and they slipped and fell down hitting a pole. It was a very scary thing to read as the bus driver was killed and many more were injured and trapped inside the bus. It was a very frightening to read and I hope that they are okay and God will help them from this traumatic experience. As this was in the LA times and was on the news this can draw people away from God but let us pray that it would not happen.
      So from this I got how we always take granted of life. We sometimes take granted of how we are alive, agreed? I'm sure you heard this a lot but if you think about it you can die any moment. You can be reading this post and all of a sudden a home invader can come to your house and kill you. Or an airplane can just crash into your place. We sometimes think that we are immortal and cannot die however that is not the case. Life is a precious thing given from God and without God our life would be useless. There would be no meaning to life without God. So here comes the question, If you die, do you think you will go to heaven or hell? I will not be going into more depth as this is your own question. You must realize where you are like in my last post, examine yourself. Do you really think you will go to heaven when you die? If not, theres always change. Don't take time for granted and if you do, it might be too late.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Examine Yourselves

     Sorry for the long break, as I will be posting not daily but only once or so. Sorry once again for the people who were waiting and well I'm finally back. However I honestly do have to say while I did not write, I did have some personal problems so that could've been what stopped me, but all in all its okay! I'm back haha and well today I will be talking about examining our faith and where we stand with God.

    So as I begin I want to ask this first, where do you stand in your faith with God? A long time ago I have took this men's discipline thing & this question got me questioning myself a lot. In order to mature our faith with God we must first examine ourself and see where we stand with God, agreed? If we don't know where we stand we cannot see how far our limits are. Like in 2nd Corinthians 13 it says to test yourself to see if you are in faith. Examine yourself! From this, a lot of questions come up and also checked on google about this passage to see and I saw some of these questions that i thought were interesting.

1. How is your relationship to Jesus?
2. Are you setting the example of a Christian life?
3. Are you what you claim to be?

There were a lot more questions but I thought 3 was enough and to see where we would stand. Examining our self is very important so we can fix the things we are struggling and actually mature in our faith. We need to realize where we are before we are to fall so we can be aware and be prepared and climb back to God or go further and mature. Have you heard the phrase check yourself before you wreck yourself? Well, thats exatcly what it says, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Now lemme ask once again, where are you standing in your faith with God?