Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Family: Obeying Your Parents

       Hello everyone! How was your day? I hope it was really great for you guys as mine was less tiring because we had a late start, it was nice. Well now onto the point, I will be talking about our family and obeying our parents.. Now what is the definition of family? Well on the definition of family is a group consisting of parents and a child. As believers the bible has told us to obey our parents in Ephesians 6:1. Now from this what do you think? Isn't pretty hard to obey our parents especially if there are language barriers too like 1st generation and 2nd generations. Family is very important to us and keeping a family together is a very blessing to have. If you think about it there are a lot of broke families out in the world and if you have a family you enjoy very much it really is a blessing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Like I said, it isn't easy to obey your parents sometimes like for example your doing your homework and your mom tells you to take out the trash. Don't you just hate that? You have to get out of your chair, walk 15 feet or however far your trash is, and lose time for your homework.
       Or how about this example if that never happened to you, your dad always asks questions about how to upload pictures on the computer and you teach him, but he always keeps asking the same question. As you look back it does get you kind of frustrated right? What we need to do is understand why our parents want us to do this. It might be little work, but it will discipline you. We need to understand that maybe sometimes our parents are busy and they can't do two things at once so they ask you for help. When we are asked to do something, we like to think for ourselves, isn't that right? We do think of ourself, but if we think about our parents instead we will understand and will be glad to help our parents. We are not going to be children forever as we will grow up eventually and have our own lives. If you have no one to do our things for us what are you going to do? Every little thing counts as our parents asks us to do something if you think about it. Family is what mainly influences our background and personality. We learn from our parents as they obviously know more than us and have experienced a lot more than us. Now we move onto the part where they might disagree to our loved ones like your girlfriend or boyfriend. What I think if you are in this situation is just talk to your parents. I know a lot of Korean parents that have a problem with dating other races instead of Koreans luckily my parents are not like that. But if they have disciplined you they will probably trust you as they know now you have to make your own choices. Your parents will know they cannot make all the choices in your life. Eventually they will have to let you go at some point and you will become your own self. Whenever your parents get angry at you you need to understand what frustration they have too. You need to think why they are mad as they will not get mad with no apparent reason. There will always be a reason and if you think about it that reason is mainly because of you. They want the best for you and don't want you to get hurt or whatever thing you did that made your parents mad. If we obey our parents it'll not create less fights but it'll bring your family more closely together.


  1. Yeah im thinking about joining the military and my mom is against that.

  2. Great reminders to everyone living at home with mom and dad still. "Honor your father and mother," is the only commandment with a promise. Thanks for sharing and keep blogging!
