Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Guys View of Girls

Soooo this time I will be talking about more of the Christian brothers and their view of girls, but before I go on and talk, I want to just say thank you to everyone whose been reading my blog & encouraging me to make an impact. My intention for this blog is not for people to just read this blog but for them to realize & change from this. I want to wake everyone up from this corrupted world. Thanks everyone that has been supporting me and I ask for you to keep continuing to support me, I would really appreciate it! :)
So anyways onto the topic... I want to talk about how us guys view girls and what I see in schools & everywhere else. As you all know guys have very high hormones & there sexual desire is just crazy. Some guys will do anything they want to do to get a girl laid or something. Everyday in school the #1 most talked about subject is girls. And when that topic comes up we talk about how hot a girl is, how ugly they are and what we would do with them in bed. Do you realize what we are doing when we do this? Even if its a joke we are just setting up ourself with more temptations for the future instead of trying to control it. Another thing we are doing is we are treating girls as objects & all we think about is sex and what we can do with this girl in bed. As Christians we need to try and fight away the battle of temptation. If we keep treating the creation of God, girls as sex objects this just creates more sin for us. We will crave for sex more and more & when we get married it will create many problems. We guys need to stop treating girls as sex objects and appreciate the beauty God has created in non sinful way. Let me ask you, what is the first thing you look at when you see a girl? Or another question, what do you think of when you see a girl who you think is hot? You'll probably imagine many sinful things and by doing this, like I said you are just setting up yourself & it'll eventually become harder to handle temptation. As you keep sinning and think of dirty thoughts on and on it'll eventually become harder to control when you realize what you are doing is wrong it'll be way harder to stop than before. Lets wake up & stop it now and make it easier for us to stop! Yes girl body parts like the breasts or butt may be attractive but when you think of it they are just fat. Why do we guys like fat so much? Its just more fat on their chest than us guys. We are so deceived by this corrupted world full of sin. We need to change that! It is hard but it'll lead to a better marriage, less distractions, and most importantly a better relationship with God.

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