Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Influence & Peer pressure

Back from a wonderful nap, not going to be able to sleep for awhile haha. So anyways what I want to talk about today is how Christians are influenced and how some are peer pressured into doing things. From what I see in school, I see a lot of this going on. You may not realize it but you sure are getting influenced by many things. Now lets talk about people partying it up this time as I see some go on in these so called Christian lives. Why do you guys party when you know its wrong? Do you just like meeting new people or is it the fun of it? Meeting people is nice but can't you just meet people somewhere else or something where you actually get to know people and have fellowship instead of talking about having fun or blaze some other day? Can't you just have fun somewhere else by hanging our with your friends instead of going to a party? Believe it or not some people don't want to go to parties, but its the friends who pressure them into going. If this is happens to you stand your ground and say no you don't want to go. It may be tempting because its fun and stuff, but it'll eventually catch up to you and hit you like none other. You can keep going to parties and get drunk or get high & the next thing you know you get a girl pregnant or you are pregnant. Once that happens look at your future wife or husband, once they know you didn't save yourself because of some sort of stupid party you'll just feel so much regret when you see your loved one cry just bawling. You probably can't imagine this because its the future but it is true & even if you marry the girl you got pregnant what are you going to say to your children? As parents you should be proud of how you guys met in my opinion. Also before you marry what will other people say about you two? For the girl that got pregnant people will call you slut, whore, and all sorts of names. To me a person who can stand their ground is a much stronger person than someone who just falls to temptation not just sex but temptation as in everything in this world that tempts us. As Christians we shouldn't pressure friends to come with us to a party but instead someone has to step up saying they don't want to go because thats not what God wants. If they are your true friends they will obviously respect that & if they are Christians they should follow what you say and probably step up too after seeing you do something very noble. If they call you stupid & make fun of you just know they are the stupid ones just setting themselves up and thats when you know they are not your true friends but just friends who just want to hangout and want to know nothing about you. Parties will cause hardship in the future & many people just might go to parties just to forget about their hardships and struggles but that party will just be temporary. Once that party is done your going to get back to who you were. I just saw this video of a homeless guy who has this radio voice, calls it a God given talent, but he said as he started drugs and alcohol he went homeless instead of becoming a radio announcer or something not using his talents. As believers we need to look out for each other and it may be hard but if done the results will be outstanding. Think about it, are you just going to continue to cover up your problems by partying, drugs & alcohol or are you desiring for change and want to actually fix your problems by wanting help from your Christian brothers and sisters?


  1. Partying is just about getting high, drunk, and pregnant. Do you believe that is what partying is about?

  2. I think many people have their own reasons to go to a party, like you said, to get high, drunk and pregnant, maybe sometimes its fun too and meeting new people haha

  3. So then this post, which only focuses on the ones that are looking to get high, drunk, or pregnant, is rather restrictive and is demonstrating that christians tell other christians that this is how things are like, and therefore should not do it?

    Sends a poor image to all the non-christians out there IMO.

  4. Haha I would try to say something, but i don't quite understand what your saying lol
    What I'm saying is that by sinning like in parties it'll eventually keep growing and it'll get worse. As Christians we should lookout for each other & not let them do what they want if thats what your talking about o_O
