Tuesday, March 1, 2011

God spoke..

Hello everybody! I hope you guys are all holding up fine with your walk with Christ.
       So anyways today, I want to talk about my most crazy experience with God today. It was the most amazing thing that happened and it just makes me happy that I was able to experience it.
    To begin now with the story well for weeks I have been struggling with personal problems and where ever I went, it always reminded me of my problems. One problem just kept branching out like a tree and it just kept building up and I just couldn't take it anymore. My regrets and pain that I have kept inside me was too much for me to handle. It was everywhere and I'm always constantly reminded of my regrets as I thought my day was good, but then the next thing you know your day gets ruined by some video or something. Everything were just bad thoughts as I wanted to stop being so humble and wanted people to recognize me. I wanted to just explode and I didn't want to be so nice anymore. I was pissed on how people just took granted of me and my personality to love everyone. I wanted to stop trying to love everyone and just become the person I used to be.
     After that, I went to bed really depressed the only thoughts that came to my mind were all the bad memories, regrets & the struggles I was constantly having for the past few months. The problems I tried to ignore all came back to me and decided it was too much for me to handle. Then I just decided to listen to Christian songs and prayed. As I prayed I kind of teared up and just kept asking God to help me, that I wanted Him to carry me back up. I prayed everything that came to my mind and let everything out to Him. I then asked for him to speak to me. And then after I finished praying I decided to wait to see if He would actually speak to me but at the same time my thoughts were all over the place as I tried to think of the people around the world how they are struggling a lot more than I am. That just lead to me thinking how they dealt with it. As I was thinking how I was going to deal with these problems of my own I had my first thought of suicide & literally pictured myself with a knife to my stomach. I asked myself why I thought about this. I wanted to see how people at my school and everyone would be if they saw that the "Nice, Loving, Funny" Jimmy committed suicide. Would they actually miss me? Would they actually care and realize they took me for granted? I was so puzzled and confused as why I would think of something like this when I just prayed like 10 minutes ago. My thoughts couldn't stop and I was moving around in my bed for a very long time just listening to music to stop these thoughts. I wanted to wait for God to speak to me and decided maybe next time so I turned off my Ipod and decided to try to sleep. After a few hours or something trying to sleep all of a sudden I heard God spoke to me literally. He said 2 words, "Be strong" and from this my body literally felt something so indescribable. I was lost for words and amazed on how powerful his words were to me. I felt the holy spirit just literally flowing through my body and it was so comforting. It was such a indescribable feeling of happiness. From this my thoughts literally were gone and I somehow fell asleep. It might have been a dream, but I don't think it was a dream. It felt so real and when I woke up this was the first thing I actually remembered, God speaking to me. From this I realized how awesome God really is. Just from 2 words from Him I was comforted so easily and His presence just lifted me up from so many problems I was struggling with. As I felt this indescribably feeling of joy I thought about it after I woke up, if this experience was amazing, how would heaven feel like?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

If you die...

      Hello everybody once again! So today I will be talking about what a lot of people take granted of, life. From what I saw yesterday, there was this one tragic incident where there were people coming down from retreat and they slipped and fell down hitting a pole. It was a very scary thing to read as the bus driver was killed and many more were injured and trapped inside the bus. It was a very frightening to read and I hope that they are okay and God will help them from this traumatic experience. As this was in the LA times and was on the news this can draw people away from God but let us pray that it would not happen.
      So from this I got how we always take granted of life. We sometimes take granted of how we are alive, agreed? I'm sure you heard this a lot but if you think about it you can die any moment. You can be reading this post and all of a sudden a home invader can come to your house and kill you. Or an airplane can just crash into your place. We sometimes think that we are immortal and cannot die however that is not the case. Life is a precious thing given from God and without God our life would be useless. There would be no meaning to life without God. So here comes the question, If you die, do you think you will go to heaven or hell? I will not be going into more depth as this is your own question. You must realize where you are like in my last post, examine yourself. Do you really think you will go to heaven when you die? If not, theres always change. Don't take time for granted and if you do, it might be too late.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Examine Yourselves

     Sorry for the long break, as I will be posting not daily but only once or so. Sorry once again for the people who were waiting and well I'm finally back. However I honestly do have to say while I did not write, I did have some personal problems so that could've been what stopped me, but all in all its okay! I'm back haha and well today I will be talking about examining our faith and where we stand with God.

    So as I begin I want to ask this first, where do you stand in your faith with God? A long time ago I have took this men's discipline thing & this question got me questioning myself a lot. In order to mature our faith with God we must first examine ourself and see where we stand with God, agreed? If we don't know where we stand we cannot see how far our limits are. Like in 2nd Corinthians 13 it says to test yourself to see if you are in faith. Examine yourself! From this, a lot of questions come up and also checked on google about this passage to see and I saw some of these questions that i thought were interesting.

1. How is your relationship to Jesus?
2. Are you setting the example of a Christian life?
3. Are you what you claim to be?

There were a lot more questions but I thought 3 was enough and to see where we would stand. Examining our self is very important so we can fix the things we are struggling and actually mature in our faith. We need to realize where we are before we are to fall so we can be aware and be prepared and climb back to God or go further and mature. Have you heard the phrase check yourself before you wreck yourself? Well, thats exatcly what it says, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Now lemme ask once again, where are you standing in your faith with God?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Very good day!

So today I didnt really have time as today I have become finally an adult. 18 YEARS OLD! Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and stuff. & thank you for the people who I hung out with. I learned that even though I didn't even get a lot of presents I got to hung out with the people I love & that is my present. Thank you God for this life you gave! So anyways heres a little skit and I'm sure a lot of people know it but its always a good reminder. Thank you once again & enjoy! ^^

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Prosperity Gospel, what is it?

So today I thought of trying something new and well I found a really good video about prosperity gospel. A lot of people actually believe in this as they believe in God because they think they'll receive money and a lot more goods. This video is a very strong message from John Piper and what real gospel actually is.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Family: Obeying Your Parents

       Hello everyone! How was your day? I hope it was really great for you guys as mine was less tiring because we had a late start, it was nice. Well now onto the point, I will be talking about our family and obeying our parents.. Now what is the definition of family? Well on dictionary.com the definition of family is a group consisting of parents and a child. As believers the bible has told us to obey our parents in Ephesians 6:1. Now from this what do you think? Isn't pretty hard to obey our parents especially if there are language barriers too like 1st generation and 2nd generations. Family is very important to us and keeping a family together is a very blessing to have. If you think about it there are a lot of broke families out in the world and if you have a family you enjoy very much it really is a blessing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Like I said, it isn't easy to obey your parents sometimes like for example your doing your homework and your mom tells you to take out the trash. Don't you just hate that? You have to get out of your chair, walk 15 feet or however far your trash is, and lose time for your homework.
       Or how about this example if that never happened to you, your dad always asks questions about how to upload pictures on the computer and you teach him, but he always keeps asking the same question. As you look back it does get you kind of frustrated right? What we need to do is understand why our parents want us to do this. It might be little work, but it will discipline you. We need to understand that maybe sometimes our parents are busy and they can't do two things at once so they ask you for help. When we are asked to do something, we like to think for ourselves, isn't that right? We do think of ourself, but if we think about our parents instead we will understand and will be glad to help our parents. We are not going to be children forever as we will grow up eventually and have our own lives. If you have no one to do our things for us what are you going to do? Every little thing counts as our parents asks us to do something if you think about it. Family is what mainly influences our background and personality. We learn from our parents as they obviously know more than us and have experienced a lot more than us. Now we move onto the part where they might disagree to our loved ones like your girlfriend or boyfriend. What I think if you are in this situation is just talk to your parents. I know a lot of Korean parents that have a problem with dating other races instead of Koreans luckily my parents are not like that. But if they have disciplined you they will probably trust you as they know now you have to make your own choices. Your parents will know they cannot make all the choices in your life. Eventually they will have to let you go at some point and you will become your own self. Whenever your parents get angry at you you need to understand what frustration they have too. You need to think why they are mad as they will not get mad with no apparent reason. There will always be a reason and if you think about it that reason is mainly because of you. They want the best for you and don't want you to get hurt or whatever thing you did that made your parents mad. If we obey our parents it'll not create less fights but it'll bring your family more closely together.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

People care, your not alone!

       Hi everybody! Its 1/11/11 & it'll only happen 2 more times which is in November so don't forget about it! Haha anyways I want to thank everyone who is reading my blog & your support once again! Feel free to comment & I made a facebook fan page so people can like my blog, so like it! I would really appreciate it ^^ So anyways lets move onto the topic.
       So today I would like to talk about some people who fight battles by themselves. As in battles, I'm talking about struggles as some people just try to overcome their struggles alone. What I see these in daily lives of people, not just Christians are they try to hide in the fact that there is something harsh going on in their life. When your friends see you kind of acting differently and they ask you "Whats going on?" What will you say? I will assume you would probably say "I'm fine." right? I'm not saying you should tell everyone what your going through and post it on your status as your facebook or something, but I'm saying don't fight your fights alone. You should at least tell your really close friends so they can help you. It's always better to fight a battle with someone close on your side fighting with you, its common sense. If its 2 vs 1 the one with 2 will probably win, in a faster time too.
       Now I'll move onto the people who actually ask their friends what's going on. Do you actually care what is going on? When I am going through my hard times sometimes I wonder if my friends ask if they actually care. Sometimes you can see if they care or not care at all, like they want to leave your side and do something else instead of watching you cry and just listen to ones who is crying. Let us actually care when we ask and let us be prepared to stay with him or her for an hour or two. Let us actually try to comfort them & listen to what they are saying.
        Now lastly I would like to say that if we think we are alone we are not. If you think no one around you actually cares you need to think again. First of all there is God! He'll always be by your side & never leave you! Grab his hand and walk with him. Pray to Him as He is our best friend, an accountability partner, our Father because He really is all those. 2nd of all, you'll never know if they actually care for you unless you actually ask them and tell them the truth instead of the daily "I'm fine" answer. As believers of Christ we should care for one another & keep each other in check. If you think something is going on in a brother or sister's life it does not hurt to ask how they are. Actually mean it and be prepared when you ask though. And even if you don't know them that much, asking someone if they are okay or asking how they are can actually help as they know someone actually might care for them, but since you are not close friends its okay if you get an "I'm fine" answer, don't be discouraged as they might not be comfortable sharing their struggles with a person who they met like 2 days ago. But its always a start, & in the future you might become good friends just because you asked them "whats wrong?" or something and they might be able to see a potential of a good friend in you who actually cares what is going on. So just know you are not alone as you have your friends, family, and most importantly God.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Using Our Talents

       Hello all! Time for another blog post & today it will be about using our talents for God. Let me ask you this, do you use your talents well? Take a time a reflect on that, what are you doing with your God given talent? What we should do with our talents is USE IT! We shouldn't let our talents God has given us go to waste! Lets say you got a talent for a sport like basketball. What should you do then? USE it obviously to ball up people with your talent. But now is your motive correct here? We should use our talents for God, as in the example I used if you have the talent in basketball can be, your motive can be like teaching others basketball. You can use your talents to bless other people! Let us not keep our talents to ourself but bless other people not for our selfish motives.

       Like in Matthew 25:13-30 it talks about a man who is leaving for a journey and is entrusting his possessions to his servants & distributes his wealth among 3 servants. 1 servant was received 5 talents, one was received 2, and the other received 1 and the 1st 2 went to work with their money that their master has given them, but then the last servant who received one just buried it in the ground. The 1st servant gained 5 more talents and has gained 10 then the 2nd gained 2 more while the last one did not gain nothing at all saying that his master was a harsh and demanding person that he was afraid of the risk. From this you can see that we should use our talents! We shouldn't use excuses because of some problem we can overcome. God would be happy to see that you are using your God given talents for his kingdom. Instead of hiding our talents let us use it! And as Christians we should help each other like a family when an obstacle is in a way of a goal of one person. So lets stop being lazy, but let us become active not for ourselves, but for God.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolution

     Happy Sunday everyone! A day before school... :( But ANYWAYS haha today I would like to talk about our New Years Resolution. I know some of you might be like well arent you a little bit too late? Well my response is yeah i guess, BUT i would still like to write about it. So let me start off by asking what is your new years resolution of 2011? You see, every year we always make a new years resolution & do you know how many of those resolutions you have actually done?
      For example lets just say your new years resolution is to read the bible. You would do it for a couple of months but than you know what happens? Yeah you know what I'm thinking, we stop doing it & yet we still keep making different new year resolutions every year when I think in my opinion we just finish what you couldnt finish off. If we are going to commit to something we should commit & not quit. It will be hard as there are many distractions but that commitment you made is by you. It is meant to be hard too as it is your NEW YEAR 365 days to do something resolution. I mean what is the point of making a new years resolution if your going to eventually quit? Keep trying & when you actually did your new years resolution, you'll remember back an year and you will be proud of what you have done & actually have more confidence. I know i shouldve wrote this before new years but I made this blog after New years & if many of you guys didnt know my new years resolution, well it is to make an impact on peoples lives. I want Christians to wake up & start putting faith into action. As a Christian I felt like i wasnt doing anything & I believe that the holy spirit told me to do something & here is what I came with. I want to motivate people into stepping up and be effective Christians who'll love to be used by God for his glory. So I just want to end with this, if I can try to make an impact you obviously can, so lets all step up & serve God with a loving heart.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Lil More To The Girls

Sooo yesterday I talked about more of the guys but today I will talk about the girls. I'm not a girl & I may not know a lot but I think I do know the general idea what girls go through haha. So what I will talk about is their self esteem issues and confidence. Im guessing a LOT of girls go through this problem and don't realize how beautiful they are, or the opposite they want to attract attention and call themselves ugly to get people to tell them they are not. Some girls I believe use people's compassion to get called pretty themselves like the example I used earlier where they call themselves ugly & they know no one's going to say "you are ugly" to that person because then he/she is going to be known as a jerk. Girls do not need to do this! Every girl in this world has beauty & is beautiful in their own way. You might not have the best looks, but no one has the best looks! There are like billions of people in the world & there are many different opinions of what looks they look in a girl. I also want to talk about the scandalous outfits they wear to get a guys attention. As Christian women why do you do this? Why do you girls wear push up/ padded bras? Is it because you want attention and want people to notice you more? You girls might just like it because its comfortable, but I have no idea because I'm not a girl. If you wear these things just to get attention, you sure are doing your job, but you know what else you are doing? You are creating temptation for many men and this world will just continue to get more corrupted. You will also be the word of the day too with people just constantly talking about how big your boobs are, will you really like that attention? I'm not saying you shouldn't wear a push up bra its just an example, but what I really want to say is that you do not need to create attention! You will be disappointed if a guy just wants to be with you because your figure and shape of body and does not care anything about you except your body. By wanting more attention it'll create more problems in the future as you can see from that example. Women should not be embarrassed of their looks! You should be confident and some day God will send you a man to have a relationship if you are ready and actually mature to have one. So as I end, I want to say this last thing, Girls, you are not ugly! You are God's creation and a true man will not love you because your physical features but your personality, every girl is beautiful in their own way to every man & most importantly everything about you girls are beautiful in God's eyes.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Guys View of Girls

Soooo this time I will be talking about more of the Christian brothers and their view of girls, but before I go on and talk, I want to just say thank you to everyone whose been reading my blog & encouraging me to make an impact. My intention for this blog is not for people to just read this blog but for them to realize & change from this. I want to wake everyone up from this corrupted world. Thanks everyone that has been supporting me and I ask for you to keep continuing to support me, I would really appreciate it! :)
So anyways onto the topic... I want to talk about how us guys view girls and what I see in schools & everywhere else. As you all know guys have very high hormones & there sexual desire is just crazy. Some guys will do anything they want to do to get a girl laid or something. Everyday in school the #1 most talked about subject is girls. And when that topic comes up we talk about how hot a girl is, how ugly they are and what we would do with them in bed. Do you realize what we are doing when we do this? Even if its a joke we are just setting up ourself with more temptations for the future instead of trying to control it. Another thing we are doing is we are treating girls as objects & all we think about is sex and what we can do with this girl in bed. As Christians we need to try and fight away the battle of temptation. If we keep treating the creation of God, girls as sex objects this just creates more sin for us. We will crave for sex more and more & when we get married it will create many problems. We guys need to stop treating girls as sex objects and appreciate the beauty God has created in non sinful way. Let me ask you, what is the first thing you look at when you see a girl? Or another question, what do you think of when you see a girl who you think is hot? You'll probably imagine many sinful things and by doing this, like I said you are just setting up yourself & it'll eventually become harder to handle temptation. As you keep sinning and think of dirty thoughts on and on it'll eventually become harder to control when you realize what you are doing is wrong it'll be way harder to stop than before. Lets wake up & stop it now and make it easier for us to stop! Yes girl body parts like the breasts or butt may be attractive but when you think of it they are just fat. Why do we guys like fat so much? Its just more fat on their chest than us guys. We are so deceived by this corrupted world full of sin. We need to change that! It is hard but it'll lead to a better marriage, less distractions, and most importantly a better relationship with God.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Influence & Peer pressure

Back from a wonderful nap, not going to be able to sleep for awhile haha. So anyways what I want to talk about today is how Christians are influenced and how some are peer pressured into doing things. From what I see in school, I see a lot of this going on. You may not realize it but you sure are getting influenced by many things. Now lets talk about people partying it up this time as I see some go on in these so called Christian lives. Why do you guys party when you know its wrong? Do you just like meeting new people or is it the fun of it? Meeting people is nice but can't you just meet people somewhere else or something where you actually get to know people and have fellowship instead of talking about having fun or blaze some other day? Can't you just have fun somewhere else by hanging our with your friends instead of going to a party? Believe it or not some people don't want to go to parties, but its the friends who pressure them into going. If this is happens to you stand your ground and say no you don't want to go. It may be tempting because its fun and stuff, but it'll eventually catch up to you and hit you like none other. You can keep going to parties and get drunk or get high & the next thing you know you get a girl pregnant or you are pregnant. Once that happens look at your future wife or husband, once they know you didn't save yourself because of some sort of stupid party you'll just feel so much regret when you see your loved one cry just bawling. You probably can't imagine this because its the future but it is true & even if you marry the girl you got pregnant what are you going to say to your children? As parents you should be proud of how you guys met in my opinion. Also before you marry what will other people say about you two? For the girl that got pregnant people will call you slut, whore, and all sorts of names. To me a person who can stand their ground is a much stronger person than someone who just falls to temptation not just sex but temptation as in everything in this world that tempts us. As Christians we shouldn't pressure friends to come with us to a party but instead someone has to step up saying they don't want to go because thats not what God wants. If they are your true friends they will obviously respect that & if they are Christians they should follow what you say and probably step up too after seeing you do something very noble. If they call you stupid & make fun of you just know they are the stupid ones just setting themselves up and thats when you know they are not your true friends but just friends who just want to hangout and want to know nothing about you. Parties will cause hardship in the future & many people just might go to parties just to forget about their hardships and struggles but that party will just be temporary. Once that party is done your going to get back to who you were. I just saw this video of a homeless guy who has this radio voice, calls it a God given talent, but he said as he started drugs and alcohol he went homeless instead of becoming a radio announcer or something not using his talents. As believers we need to look out for each other and it may be hard but if done the results will be outstanding. Think about it, are you just going to continue to cover up your problems by partying, drugs & alcohol or are you desiring for change and want to actually fix your problems by wanting help from your Christian brothers and sisters?

Monday, January 3, 2011

What I see at school

After winter break today we went to school, don't get me wrong it was very exhausting and I barely slept. So as I went to school I thought about how Christians live their lives outside of church. From what I am seeing from my school, I see Christians living a life where they are all holy at church and very different at school. Do you agree? Well, I'm sure we all did this at some part of our faith and were very two faced kind of if you know what I mean.  For example when you go to church people hold in their swear words because they don't want other people to hear it & want people thinking that their very holy or something. Now as you see them at school or lets just say outside of church you can see Christians just cussing in like every sentence. How do you think non believers view us if they know that we are believers of God and they see us acting like this? This is one reason why Christians are known for being hypocritical and we can't do anything to except pray for that person as we do not have the powers to control someone. If you can't stop cussing, why not just use a different word and replace it or something? Do you really have to use a cuss word just to get people to listen to you or to look intimidating or something? I think not, that just tells me your weak & the only way you can get peoples attention or get people to listen to you is to cuss without using just words. Even though its pretty hard to do think about what other people view you as when they see you & know that you are a Christian. Think to yourself, do people really see God's love in you? Think about it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The 1st Sunday of 2011

So today, the first Sunday of 2011, oh btw Happy new years everybody ! ^^ Haha so anyways today the first Sunday of 2011 my pastor, Daniel Min, great man & im very very glad to have him as my pastor. Anyways lol today my pastor talked about fellowship in the book of Acts. What he said was completely true and I agreed with what he was saying. He talked about how todays definition of fellowship is just hanging out & just having fun. However the true definition in biblical terms is that fellowship is having an intimate relationship with one another, actually getting to know people. We want to help each other out and edify one another. An accountability partner is a good idea as our Pastor was talking about how they share what they are going through. You might kind of think thats gay against two guys, but he said it really helps & the results are very worth it. We are brothers & sisters in Christ and instead of fighting your struggles alone let us fight the struggles together. If we don't get to know each other or dont even ask what the people are going through how will we know? Let us have true fellowship and not just hang out playing games or something. Having fun is good but let us also get to know each other at the same time & not leave people alone in their own corner and just talk to them. As Christians we need to come together as a team and not do it individually! No matter how hard it is, let us take risks as we will go nowhere without taking risks. Let us get out of our comfort zone and do the work of God with the right motives. & dont worry, you are not alone, you have friends, family, and most importantly God by your side, you can do it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

My first post on my blog.

Why I thought of blogging...
Well it all happened a few days ago as I just came back from a wonderful retreat. It was very good bonding time with my youth group at Gospel First Korean Baptist Church which is long for GFKBC. At that retreat it was more of a family time and I think we bonded pretty closely. I particular bonded pretty closely with these two guys named Paul Kim and Josh Lee as we stayed up for a pretty long time and had a very good conversation about God and our struggles. As we talked, we talked about how we watch some Christians live such hypocritical lives. It all happened from then that it was all I thought about from that day which was just like 2 days ago haha. Then after that day I constantly thought of why we live like this then today it just happened while i was trying to take a nap. I thought to myself why am I wasting my time doing nothing? I realized I can still do something at a fairly young age (Im 17 years old haha) So this is what I came up with, my motivation is to wake people up & at the same time I want to make some money to help my family. This is why I started this so called blogging & I hope i am doing this with a good motive and not for my own selfish needs. I will pray to God to give me a good heart & to use me in a very effective way as this is just the beginning. Thank you for reading! ^^